
Seducing butterflies with dulcet tones

I've been all through this forum looking for an answer to this, and can't find it...

Every butterfly I interact with spurns my advances. I have butterfly lotion, and I've learned how to catch the darned things, but if I try to sing to them they don't like my singing, and if I try to milk them they tell me I have to put the moves on them first. Did I miss a singing school tutorial or something?

Posted 13 years ago by JTron Subscriber! | Permalink


  • i can't figure it out either. it seems like i need to drag the lotion onto the butterfly but i can't?
    Posted 13 years ago by IxÆoN Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You have to massage them.

    Try pressing G on your keyboard after selecting a butterfly. That makes it a ton easier.

    To milk them press K on your keyboard.
    Posted 13 years ago by ChrisA9 Subscriber! | Permalink