
it is boring

to run around and collect weed to make a hamburger.
there is a bad learning curve and a bad motivation.
i'm currently running around collecting fruits to buy mining tools - this will take some boring hours.

make some interactive and fun things, make some cool things happen beside quests, tune in on a cool radio station.

good example -

Posted 13 years ago by Emmanuel Goldstein Subscriber! | Permalink


  • This seems like spam, but if it isn't, I'm sorry. Firstly, I think you need to think about the state the game is in right now. They are working constantly to add new quests, objects, everything. I think maybe if you looked at it a different way it would be more appealing. Glitch is not trying to be the new World of Warcraft, it's made to fill a very different niche. I hope you fall in love with it like everyone else. Maybe a little more time will do the trick. Give it time.
    Posted 13 years ago by Kai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It is not meant as spam, just as suggestion on game philosophy - so this is the alpha test.
    Nice things done on banja are a good music integration and a great storytelling, I'm missing this on Glitch.
    So the need to walk long times to "far, far away" to solve a quest feels like 90ies gameplay. You have to endure time loss to gain big savings - I prefer to endure nice stories and quests, build things and start living instead.
    Tuning into Glitch radio stations at this time or hunting for something announced by a sound is something I'm missing, too.
    So I'm new here and need to keep up public services up to democratic needs on Glitch, maybe I should buy a house first ;)
    Posted 13 years ago by Emmanuel Goldstein Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You do the grinding while you play the game. It's the whole point of the game. You water and pet and nibble everything on your path and by the time you get somewhere you're rich and/or have everything you need to complete a quest. As time goes on in this game and it is ready to leave ALPHA then it will be a lot more cohesive and be better integrated with itself.

    Why do people even join alpha or beta tests if they expect the game to be gold quality?

    Also, what's a ninetyies?
    Posted 13 years ago by Johnny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "You do the grinding while you play the game. It's the whole point of the game."

    i disagree. grinding is a punishment for not playing the game well.

    it should be easier to see that.

    but just like you get punished all the time in mario brothers by having to restart a level and losing a life, which happens to pretty much everyone, grinding isn't an easily avoidable thing. this is especially true for beginners. i've found that the more i play, the less i grind.
    Posted 13 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The game is the grind, just like real life. That's the point I was making. You don't go out there and say "hey I should go do this just to level up" because you can do just about anything in game and you'll be closing in on that next leve.
    Posted 13 years ago by Johnny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Quite frankly, I enjoy Glitch for the very fact that I have to work at it. Quite often, I see games where the quests are all "Lets go beat dungeon XYZ to earn Gleaming Plutonium Armor with Matching Bedazzled Face Protection!" Too much.

    I loved the Zelda series: they make you figure things out on your own. In Glitch, it's along the same lines. How do you make butter? Well butter is made of milk. Get some milk, look at that, I can shake it and what do you know, I've got butter.

    Perhaps what you need Emmanuel is a nice book or a Netflix subscription. Glitch--like just about every other game on the planet--certainly isn't meant to satisfy the tastes of everybody (except maybe Drop's an extremely addicting, high-intensity sport designed for people everywhere).
    Posted 13 years ago by Soopa-Fresh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "you can do just about anything in game and you'll be closing in on that next level"

    past level 20, not really.

    at that point you need to make a concerted effort to level grind, or else you won't level.

    but there's plenty to do without level grinding. i think i gained one level in the last three days of testing, but never felt bored.
    Posted 13 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink