
about those rocks...

Maybe it always worked this way, and I didn't notice. But I was noticing in the most recent session that rocks don't restore unless they are mined to completion. I think this is a flawed approach.

The problem with the way the rocks work is that the last swing at the rock often yields only one or two pieces of ore. If one were being strictly utilitarian about it, it makes more sense to skip that last swing and move onto another rock. This is my guess about why people have started to leave parts of rocks behind... maybe there's something else going on.

I don't really like the way the rocks work and wonder if there's another way to approach them:
1. I don't like that little bit that's left over at the end.
2. I don't like that rocks can be entirely wiped out of an area by other players.
3. And somehow, I don't quite like the aesthetic of rocks spontaneously appearing.

(I guess I am in a cantankerous mood, with all those "don't likes"... please soften it in your head.)

I'm wondering if there's a way to make the whole thing more akin to the way trees work. Maybe I can take out only so much from a spot each day. Maybe the fact that I took something has nothing to do with whether you can take something. And I wish I could think of a lifecycle for the rocks, but I can't at the moment, so yeah, maybe they spontaneously appear as a whole out of thin air. But I'm wondering if there's a way that they would have to be seeded with a crystal and grown or something.

Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Ooh. Maybe it would be nice if we had a mini-mine in our backyards? Only thing is, the more you mine, the less back-yard you have.
    Posted 13 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's not a problem for miners, but could be trouble for gardens/arbors. Perhaps a way to choose which you prefer? Or to actively alter it?
    Posted 13 years ago by Onus Bone Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am one of those people that strip mine. I mine everything down to nothing though because if I understand how the respawn works. Also I don't always go straight for the sparkly like most. I also try to be polite and maintain some semblance of etiquette in the mines. I wont mine a rock some one is working on. However. If your glitchkin sits in front of a rock for 60 seconds without doing any action I will take that sparkly in front of you. I had some one start mining a sparkly I was mining yesterday and all I typed was, "Really?" and they typed, "ok" and moved on. I have been to known to revenge mine though. If you ignore my chat and keep mining the same rock as me I'm going to follow you around and mine every rock you touch down to a nub by the time you get 3 full cracks. I know Karma doesn't need enforcement but I don't mind helping it out :-D That just brings me back to even though I am strip mining by the time I am done with the 2 or 3rd street street #1 has completely respawned because I didn't leave nubs!

    The Groddle Heights area has a ton of metal rocks which still yield gems. But if you need elements for Admixing like I do you need to mine everything but metal. I just do it all cause it all benefits me. We could benefit from an area at some point that requires a potion or other high level skill to get into geared toward the higher level players. More resources with more hyper-specialized uses that don't necessarily make us money but contribute to projects or something. Or a rock that needs the highest mining but wears the pick down 4x as fast with a 50% yield. That way we aren't grinding for money but for community development which to me is something I rather do. I'm going to grind no matter what. You can change the game mechanics all you want to make it less advantageous to grind but as long as resources need to be collected there will be a grind. So why not help keep the higher levels interested while benefiting the group more then the individual?

    Glitch Socialism 2011!!!!
    Posted 13 years ago by DiB Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can't leave a rock in a nub state, it drives me crazy--I have to finish it off.

    I guess that makes me an anal miner.
    Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • anal miner
    Posted 13 years ago by Johnny Subscriber! | Permalink