
about those currants....

I'm not sure what they're good for, after a point.

Will there every be something I need 200K currants for?

Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink


  • yes.

    currants = energy [via food]

    currants = hiring people to do stuff for you

    currants = improving your house after you've bought it [with, say, 1000 pigs]

    currants = buying things to contribute to projects, or directly donate to the projects themselves

    currants = buying things to donate for favor

    i mean .. even right now.. there might not be any one thing you need 200k to buy all at once, yet, but there are plenty of ways to spend 200k over the span of a couple of days. if you want to.

    if none of those things interest you, then yeah, hoarding is the only option.. but that's a matter of motivation, not mechanics.
    Posted 13 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You could spend it all on purple sno cones. Or try to control the auction house pricing scheme to benefit your own interests... So yeah what striatic said, "motivation" is probably all it is. To me money was a way to test out any aspect of the game I wanted. That was a really fun feeling. I like the freedom Glitch both promotes and allows me to have. But not everyone enjoys exploring Glitch in the detail I do.
    Posted 13 years ago by DiB Subscriber! | Permalink