
Connecting to Glitch

As I've previously stated, I cannot get glitch to open under safari on mac. Now, I cannot get glitch to open on firefox 4 beta 8 under mac either. Looks like I'm locked out!

Update: I eventually was able to connect on chrome, but my computer is on its way out (Getting new logic board tomorrow), so it might just be my computer.

Update 2: My windows computer refuses to connect to the internet, so I am completely locked out. Tomorrow I will have to steal another computer, but I am offline until then.

Posted 13 years ago by Edward Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Took a while for me. Also on Safari for Mac.
    Posted 13 years ago by Gaga Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ClickToFlash again?
    Posted 13 years ago by dopiaza Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Annoying that i had to download the latest flash to make it work - adobe was really really slow - must have been all those other glitch players doing it too
    Posted 13 years ago by Veganpotato Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have been unable to load the game using either chrome or IE.
    Posted 13 years ago by Fudgemint Day Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ok. My bad. I was blocking HTML on PeerBlocker. Closed PeerBlocker-- problem solved.
    Posted 13 years ago by Fudgemint Day Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Two or three tests ago, everything was working fine (despite ClickToFlasah). Two tests ago, Glitch told me I needed to update Flash. OK, did that, and ever since I haven't been able to log in.
    Disabled ClickToFlash? No use.
    Update Flash? No help.
    Update flash with no browsers on? Nope.
    Pop-up blocking? No.

    And can I access Flash content from everywhere else on the web? Yes.

    Sorry 'm not in there gaining experience, popping quoins, building streets, meditating, levitating, and radiating like the rest of yuzz, but I can't get in.
    Posted 13 years ago by Peter Verona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OK, just tried Chrome, which seems to work. I guess I'll make Chrome my Glitch browser, and I can go back to ClickToFlash in Safari.
    Posted 13 years ago by Peter Verona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm using Rockmelt and Chrome and it isn't working. It's my first time in the game and I can't even get in lol
    Posted 13 years ago by Tenshhi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hey there-

    We recently added a little informational test page to see if all assets are loading accordingly by your browser:

    It doesn't guarantee that if all pass, you will load the game for certain (there could be other factors at play), but if something there is failing, it may give a clue and is worth a try.

    With regard to ClickToFlash, at this point we are simply suggesting it be uninstalled to be compatible with game play, or just using an alternate browser. :)
    Posted 13 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink