
★★★★★ for 5

Like others, I thought the "hi" feature (keyboard shortcut 5) was too easy and would trivialize saying 'hi' in the game. However, after a couple of weeks I now feel the opposite. Most people you run across in Ur hit the 5 key rather than just running past.

So, kudos; I think this actually was a good idea to make people who don't know each other (yet) more sociable. Hitting 5 is so quick and easy that it's not a hardship and yet the effort is noticed (or perhaps the fact of being noticed is noticed).

Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Agreed, I use to just run past other Glitchen if I was in the middle of something, but now I stop to say hi to everyone. Kind of breaks up this grind mentality I've had of late!
    Now, just waiting for that 'bye' feature :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Muncey Mango Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm more of an h
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Totally agree. It's so nice to be greeted with a quick and visually fun hi even if you're in a hurry and not stopping to chat :) Love it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sharmy Knope Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It can cause some lag for me but I don't mind as long as it isn't while I am meditating. I'm doing the badges at the moment and I can't meditate in my house due to lag and sdb's, etc. and so have to meditate in hidey holes across Ur.

    They need to fix it so that the Hi interaction doesn't disturb meditation.

    Could I suggest that there be a higher level of meditation where we could encase ourselves entirely in a solid bubble of meditation and isolation
    Posted 12 years ago by Cleops Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ooh, I didn't realize the 'hi' interrupted meditation, that is unfortunate.
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink