
Is this fair? (Counts for places visited)

I have been getting frustrated trying to increase my number of places visited. I just noticed this on the big list.

Places that count: Everything in Jethimadh Tower, all one-time quest locations including The Back Alley and Rook's Woods, both old Hell One and new Hell One. Four locations from the limited time only Cosma Performance Testing.

Is it really fair to count places that we can no longer visit? How can new Glitchen ever gain in the ranks? No wonder I wasn't getting anywhere.... literally...

Posted 12 years ago by MuddyPawPrints Subscriber! | Permalink


  • It would be a good idea to get rid of the leaderboards. It implies one Glitch  is doing better than another. Whereas  what is really happening is that one Glitch is playing differently to another. Exactly as it should be in a sandbox type game.

    However if you have been somewhere, then you have been there. That's just a fact. So it should count in the number of places you have been to. Taking it out of the count won't alter that fact. 

    So get rid of the Traveller Leaderboard but keep a running total just for interest
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are also 3 new places for newbies that anyone older than a couple of months cannot get to.
    I have had it completely confirmed from staff on a help ticket that the leader board for locations is well and truly odd. It cannot be guaranteed to work correctly.
    I have Old hell one and new hell.. I do not have rooks woods, but I do have the cosma testing. I don't have the new 3 locations for new joiners, but I'm still not on the place in the leader board I expect to be. reminiscing on locations from the emo bear, the game cube and vendors also add a 2nd visit to some locations. There are so very many hidden places too.
    They confirmed they could not count fully where I had been and probably neither could I.
    They also said that they do intend to overhaul the locations system but its not a priority. Plus the apologised for the "mess" that its in.
    I'm happy with that for now. I want it changed, so do a lot of other players. I think TS are going to struggle to make everyone happy with how they go about changing it but I wish them the best of luck in getting it sorted.
    Posted 12 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • People freak out at any sign of competition in this game. If you don't like the leaderboard why not just don't look at it?
    Posted 12 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I say we need more different leaderboards, so that everybody can try to rank high on the ones he chooses, and can ignore the rest.

    Among those, there should be leaderboards which are easier for new players, for example "People who died the least" or "Least collected beans board" or whatever.
    Posted 12 years ago by Louis Louisson Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just to note: everything in Jethimadh Tower that was ever available is still available, yes?
    Posted 12 years ago by Leites Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would love it if the leaderboards were eliminated.

    What I really look forward to is when Badges are introduced for 'never learned a single cooking skill' and 'Unlearned Every Skill.'  Not really.  I grew out of 'badges' in adolescence.

    I'm level 33 and just today was awarded 'Second Rate Rainmaker' for finally watering 41 trees.  That's gotta qualify me for a leaderboard somewhere.

    You can't Lose at Glitch unless you try really really hard.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tatsuo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • -1 to removing the leaderboards. That seems a lot like throwing a big middle finger at those who worked so hard to get there. Also seems a lot like whining, "I can't get there, so nobody should be able to!"

    The point about Glitch being a sandbox game is true: People who grind badges grind badges. Nothing should be done to discourage that. If it's not your thing, nobody's forcing you to look at the leaderboards.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jus​tin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It's nice to know the count of places I have been to (helps work towards the badges)... leader boards don't really matter.
    Posted 12 years ago by mickey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Everyone keeps using the phrase sandbox game and using that as an argument to get rid of leader boards in the same sentence which I don't understand.

    As a sandbox game what I love about Glitch is everyone determines their way of playing the game and for some it is setting goals like obtaining badges, etc. and for others it might mean creating fantastic tower art. Maybe it is both, or maybe it is something else.

    That's what makes Glitch a wonderful melting pot of diversity. I don't like telling people how to play the game and vice versa, and by getting rid of leadership boards you're telling other people how to play the game just because obtaining all the badges and locations doesn't matter to you.

    Do all the things or don't do all the things. Keep Glitch an open ended game.

    [Edit: Just read this post back and don't want to edit my comments as other people have posted after, but just wanted to let people know that nothing I said was aimed at anyone in particular and I was just trying to get across the whole each to their own thing. I do respect all other peoples opinions in this thread - they are all valid points - I was just adding my 2 cents]
    Posted 12 years ago by Cleops Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I definitely agree with more leaderboards.

    Posted 12 years ago by SchWM Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I understand the frustration. I'm a huge badge-chaser; it is what keeps me playing this game. It doesn't mean I didn't grow out of "adolescence", it's the aspect of the game that I find most enjoyable.

    That said, I will never have the opportunity to get any of the Projects badges, ergo, I will never top the leaderboard. I just accept what is and continue chasing the ones I can.

    I suppose there's no use getting riled up about things you can't change. The leaders have been here a long time and they put in the time and effort it took to earn their ranks. Kudos to them, I say. And then I carry on.
    Posted 12 years ago by Perion Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I disagree with people who have loyally played the game for a long time having their achievements cheapened just because new players can't do something.  newbies also have upgrades that older players don't get credited. sure we can use the function of 'mappery' but it shows up as something we don't have if we look at our upgrades.

    I would like to be able to visit gentle island and have all those locations added to my list, but i can't - do i whinge and complain about it though, no i don't... newbies can't have everything both ways
    Posted 12 years ago by Arietty Subscriber! | Permalink