
Life after Glitch death.....

What really make me sad are the loss of RL jobs, loss of time and dreams from TS founder and a billion of many others sad things in my mind.. BUT... 

What are u gonna do guys after 9th December?

It's sad so many people just loose contact and the community collapse...

i doubt we will move to another free MMO similar game... don't think there's one like GLITCH! Second Life maybe? I dunno...

What's up in your mind?

Posted 12 years ago by PzSniper Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Unfortunately, I hadn't been very involved with the game for the past few months, what with uni and all.
    If you have a bit of ingame purchases, you can choose to give that money to TS or a worthy charity through the refunds page. The decision was difficult but I chose to gave the money to Tiny Speck to help them out, and for giving us a great game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Avnas Subscriber! | Permalink