
Completely heartbroken.

Although I have not been a member of this community for long, I have been here for three months. I was so excited to play Glitch, and waiting the four months to get my invitation was completely worth it. I met great new people, I experienced things I never thought I'd experience, and I gazed at beautiful art while playing. There was never a dull moment for me; never a moment where I said "Glitch is boring me;" never anything remotely to wanting to stop playing. I've loved every second of this game and the amazing support I've gotten from Tiny Speck made me love it twice as much. 
It really pains me to see that this game is coming to a close. It seems like it's just too soon, like finding out a good friend only has a few months left to live. 
This game's life has been cut too short. I am sorry to see it go.
To everyone that I knew, heck, to everyone that I talked to, thank you. You made Glitch an amazing experience for me, and I would not change one thing.
I'll miss you all.

Posted 12 years ago by ₰ℓ№ʀ Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1 this. 

    Only been here a month but I made this home. I was here a LOT and made a lot of friends and I am so sad and sorry to see all this go.  Huge hugs to the staff, huge hugs to Glitchen everywhere.
    Posted 12 years ago by Bluebunny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've been here over a year, seems like longer than most, but it's still not been enough. I wasn't there for the closing parties, the Great Reset, or anything like that. I was there for the Dusty Sticks, the housing changes, and the img shiftover, though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Avnas Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I started a year ago last July, through the introduction of Kalavana (still the region I consider "home"), the EOTW Hell Party, the reset (the first game-day after which the Rube gave me a Rube cubimal)... Timtimm mining parties, exploring regions with the Exploration Club, adjusting from xp to iMG... etc. It's been a wonderful time. I'm gutted that it's going to be over so soon, and I'm sad about how many wonderful people I'm likely never going to get to talk to once it's over and done with.
    Posted 12 years ago by Djabriil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • <333
    Posted 12 years ago by Leïla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just started last week and have been totally hooked. A shame I wont even get to the house expansions and upper levels. my work just wont allow me to get through that in the time span we have left.

    I sincerely hope that glitch will remain archived or saved in someway by the makers. I am a huge gaming addict and bounce around a lot. This is one of the best games I have found. None of the lag and issues I normally have in flash type games and such wonderfully connected story and convos with the npcs. 

    I would hate to think that at the end of december 9th a giant delete button just destroys all the beautiful programming that went into this. 

    If nothing else, I will never look at a butterfly the same way again.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rawthorne Subscriber! | Permalink