
An Idea.

A while back, I saw a program that turned your computer into a supercomputer. How?

Well, in it's off time when this program was running, it would recieve work to do from a central server. It did this work and then sent it back. When hundreds of computers linked together, it created a massive supercomputer, just from the connection of these desktops.
What I'm wondering is, could glitch possibly be hosted on a server by doing this? Each different Glitchen's computer doing a small amount of work to keep the server alive and running?

I know a lot of propositions for saving glitch have been proposed, but it makes me feel better at least knowing that my idea has already been considered.

Posted 11 years ago by nhojemon Subscriber! | Permalink


  • It did this work and then sent it back.

    It was the CSETI distributed computing project.  The difference was, it wasn't real time, it was just packet processing.  The parts were only related to the whole as data, not active parts of the main program.

    Aside from that, distributed computing is still mostly an academic pursuit.  If someone could apply it to real-time MMO's they could make some good money.   The backend data requirements for a game like Glitch (or any high volume MMO) are formidable indeed and require specialized database knowledge and technology.
    Posted 11 years ago by Goddess Freya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, okay. Thanks for the quick response and explanation, then.
    Posted 11 years ago by nhojemon Subscriber! | Permalink