
Yeah, yeah Glitch is closing, but now what?

-What are you going to do with the time you used to spend on Glitch?
-We all know how special of a community Glitch has created. How are you going to stay in touch with the people you enjoyed Glitch with? The Facebook group is a great idea, but I also thought those who are familiar with Reddit could sort of make use of the subreddit we already have going on. 
(Edit: there are two subreddits up already, one is r/glitchthegame and the less active one, r/glitchdotcom)

Posted 11 years ago by Paul Kim Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I am sure the community will try to stay in touch. This group also has a list of suggestions on possible games.
    Posted 11 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink