

My subscription would have renewed on the 14th this month, which also happens to be my birthday. Last year, Glitch made what turned out to be a very lonely day a brighter place for me (and not just because I was in Ajaya Bliss at the time). I think I even saw in Christmas on Glitch - at least, until my shitty connection gave out and I went back to tracking Santa's progress on NORAD.
My December this year is going to be a whole lot colder and bleaker without all you wonderful people and this game in my life.
To all my fellow December birthday glitchen: happy birthday - I'm saying this here since we won't have the opportunity to say it in-game any more soon. May you be able to leave pigs and butterflies and chickens on the moon in your real world parties, and eat as many rainbow sno-cones as you want without ever getting brain freeze.

Posted 11 years ago by Rammi Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Happy Birthday. No matter what, we're still there. For you. 
    Posted 11 years ago by Kristabel Subscriber! | Permalink