
Ur in retrospect

Glitch has a unique place in my heart for being my go-to game for the last 4.5 months. But unfortunately, in the two months Glitch was in open beta, it didn't seem to catch on to anyone else. The thing is, Glitch was more than a game. It was a community. And unfortunately to me, I felt like it came up short in both aspects to new players.

While I loved Glitch's community, it was incredibly hard to get involved, especially for a game centered around this aspect. I was on a couple of housing routes, notably the Freebie-Jeebie's one. I loved giving stuff away, and I was really surprised by the generosity of everyone in general. But it was incredibly difficult to get to know them. I rarely chatted with people I saw on the street (if they were there to begin with). Yes, I had people on my friend's list, but after a while, I couldn't even remember who they were anymore. There were groups, and I joined a few, but nothing seemed to ever happen on them. That left me with Global as my main form of social contact in the game.  I definitely could not have finished my group quests without it. But it was a mistake to make a game so highly dependent on a chat channel, especially as it was planned to be phased out in the near future. For the most part, I might as well been playing the game on my own.

I have no idea how anyone else managed to make so many friends, but I walked out of the game having a through conversation with about three people.  To be honest, I have absolutely no idea how to make this game social's aspect better but it was one of the huge missed opportunities. Lots of comments around the web talk about how people missed out on joining the community, so I know I wasn't alone. I'm very grateful for my time here and the people I've met, but now I can only dream of the possibilities this game could have now.

Posted 11 years ago by Reirei Umezaki Subscriber! | Permalink