
I'd love some better error messages

I don't know about anybody else, but I really struggle to notice some of the messages that come through...

Because my field of vision is mainly on the sprite, I often miss important status updates telling me things like my bag is full, or that an action is not possible or whatever.

This leads to confusion - sometimes I have left a location thinking I've bought something from a vendor, but it's only later that I realise I haven't.

What would be great is if the sprite itself gave some visual indication that the action had failed (like a red exclamation mark or a puzzled face etc). Even the pet rock getting a bit angsty would be useful.

Posted 14 years ago by wurzel Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Yep, I have the same problem with not noticing that a thing I wanted to buy didn't fit in my pack. I don't think I'd notice the rock looking troubled, though: too far from the puppet. (you call it a sprite).
    Posted 14 years ago by marrije Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes, having my character - where I'm almost always looking - react would be great.
    Posted 14 years ago by MetaGrrrl Subscriber! | Permalink