

Wee feedback about quests -

New quests - When the rock gives you a new quest, I think in a previous version of the game, there was a notification that the quest had been added to your Quests list? But it seems like in this version, when the rock asks you to do something, there isn't any notification. I remember from last time that I can click on the rock and see my quests list, but it might not be obvious to new playas.

Rewards - After completing a quest the rock says something like, "You did it, so you get your reward!" but then there doesn't seem to be any notification about the reward, and looking in the Quests list, the rewards don't show anymore for completed quests.

Posted 14 years ago by Sasson Subscriber! | Permalink


  • i also noticed that sometimes the rock would ay "here's your reward" AFTER i'd already received it.
    Posted 14 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • immediately after, but still after.

    which was odd, and not in a cool, glitchy way either.

    well, it was in a glitchy way i guess, just not in a Glitchy way.
    Posted 14 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, I keep hearing "here's your reward" but then I never get a reward.
    Posted 14 years ago by Captain Starbuck Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That you can perform quest actions but not get credit towards satifying a quest seems out of whack to me. Now if you perform a quest action before it is assigned by the rock it doesn't count in the eyes of the rock.

    Learning basic skills to learn ever more advanced skills makes sense to me; but that would be sequential-- you aren't able to do B until after you learn how to do A first.

    Now you can often do B, it's just not certified as an accomplishment by the bureaucratic mind of the rock. Thus sadly mirroring real life.
    Posted 14 years ago by rothko Subscriber! | Permalink