
Pet rock, quests and a general sense of purpose

I was a bit confused when I arrived in the world this time around because my rock wasn't talking to me...something I said?... and the last (and first) time I visited the world it immediately started guiding me around and giving me lots of quests so I was at a bit of a loss this time.

Without the quests the game seems a little...pointless? (I think that's too harsh a word.) It's probably just because I've been almost everywhere now and I've got used to harvesting stuff. I kind felt like I was just waiting for something to happen e.g. a skill to finish loading/pet rock to wake up.

I tried a bit of experimenting with the ole test tube but got bored very quickly because not much was happening, tried mixing a few things, made some butterfly butter then cheese then made myself miserable by licking it...all a good giggle but I ran out of these things to do...or maybe the attention span to keep looking!

I know the game's far from finished so I know there'll be plenty going on later on that isn't yet available but it'd be nice to have more sorta sense of purpose. More quests? Can we give each other quests? Could an animal give you a quest for you to be able to gain skill points of some sort? Are the shrines going to be useful for anything other than sending you places? Could there be creatures you have to avoid wandering around to keep you on your toes? Can we have more hidden (literal/spatial) levels - I can't remember where it was but there was a hidden way of climbing higher in one street, the first step of which was obscured by a bubble tree - loved that!

Just wondering. Do love the themes of the game though and the artwork is simply stunning.

Posted 14 years ago by Schmoo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • The quests turn up as you learn each new skill. I think without guidance a few people missed that point which is why they were left with little to do. As soon as one skill is learned you can elect to learn a new one so after a short time you should have had a number of quests on the go concurrently.
    Posted 14 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • while waiting for skills to cook and new quests to appear, I found myself quite busy making money to buy a house.

    learning new stuff for the test tube is quite easy if you brute force it. just stick large quantities of all the elements in the tube and see what happens.

    you'll waste a lot of elements at first, but once you have the recipes things become more efficient.
    Posted 14 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink