
milking butterflies is too annoying

The butterfly milking concept is very amusing and the artwork and animation is beautiful but managing to click on the click on the damn things (twice) is way too annoying. They're so small and they flit around so quickly that they're extremely difficult to click on. If they're on top of a house or a tree then you click that instead. If its anywhere near then rock then you get that instead. Then, once you've massaged one its nearly impossible to keep track of it long enough so you can click on it again and milk the same one that you massaged.

Posted 14 years ago by Anthropocene Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Something that makes interacting with the butterflies a little easier is using the enter key to bring up the action menu. I find jumping up to the butterflies, and then hitting the enter key is pretty effective.
    Posted 14 years ago by jdawg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks! That worked. I think the rock should give a hint about that in the quest log. He could say something about jumping up to touch the butterflies although I'm not sure how to work 'enter key' into the sentence.
    Posted 14 years ago by Anthropocene Subscriber! | Permalink