
Cubimals for sale (sno-cone vendor, crab, frog, squid, cactus, batterfly, firefly, and some commons)

I've never sold cubimals before, so maybe take advantage of my inexperience?  I dunno.

sno-cone vendor  = 7k 
crab x 2 = 5k each 
frog x 3 = 4k each
squid  = 4k 
cactus x 2 = 5k each
batterfly = 3k
firefly x 2 = 500 each
butterfly x 8 = 400 each
chick x 2 = 100 each

pig x 6 = 100 each

Will update list as I go along.

Posted 12 years ago by Circe Subscriber! | Permalink