
Renting out my 7500 Bog House-CLOSED

School has started back up for me, so with much dismay, I cannot play Glitch as much as I used to due the the ever increasing demand of assignments. 

Because of this, I'm obviously not using my herb plots, so I'm going to give a try at renting out my place for the time being. I've decided that I probably won't be able to really play until about mid- March, so for anyone's who's interested please let me know so we can go over exact dates, do the friend requests so you can get your key as soon as possible.

My house is located in the 1200 block in Nia Sra. It's just a small walk from the Jutuan Central Subway Station In Chakra Phool if you prefer or cannot teleport.

Now as for payment... personally I'm open to suggestions based on what you're comfortable with

My own suggestions would be FOOD AND DRINK! <3
My glitch especially loves, Rich Tagine and Ix-Style Braised Beef pretty easy dishes since most of the ingredients can be gathered from the land.
As for Drinks anything's fine honestly buffs or no buffs, replenishing mood is all I'm concerned about for that.

If you're not the cooking kind of Glitch then currants or rocks of all kinds are great too!

Posted 12 years ago by Sweetum Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hi Sweetum, 
    I am interested in renting your bog house! I can provide whatever food & drink your heart desires!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ben Wilkinson Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awesome, I'll accept your friend request and sent you a key!
    Posted 12 years ago by Sweetum Subscriber! | Permalink