
Your money, your profit!

So, I'm decidedly not flush enough to afford a Yeti at this moment in time, but are you...?

I'm looking for someone who still has some cash after the Great Currant Sink of 2012. The proposal:
- you purchase and hold an Highest Quality "#1" Imported Glitchmas Yeti for 3 million currants.
- I make currants over the next week or two.
- I pay you the cost for the Yeti, plus an additional fee for your services. 100k? Negotiable.

Your profit for being financially well-off and agreeable to beneficial business transactions: 100,000 currants.

IM me in game or find me on Twitter as @chicgeek if you can help me with this!  Depending on your flushness, perhaps the other rare items can be included. But let's not get ahead of ourselves... Yeti first!

Posted 12 years ago by chicgeek Subscriber! | Permalink
