greenkozi's Home Street

Owned by greenkozi


3 Peat Bogs, 2 Dirt Piles, 1 Wood Tree, 1 Beryl Rock for mining, 1 Sparkly Rock for mining, 61 Herb Garden plots, and 4 Crop Garden plots.


Beautiful and inspiring museum!
It's a terrific idea to start with,but I just love the variety of textures and shapes in your note poles, the rhythm of their arrangements... and same with the furniture! This is just fabulous. Great work, greenie!
Awesomest museum ever ^^
Review: GK's musee de d?mant?lement
Miss greenkozi of Ur has curated a collection of objects that challenge the viewer's notions of art. Her delicate placement of pot and shovel, hoe and smelter, shows a keen instinct for juxtaposition that forces the viewer to consider our disposable society whilst simultaneously acknowledging the durability of art.

I cannot recommend Miss greenkozi's museum enough. Or at all, really. But do visit it.

- Phineas Q. Fuzzybutt, Art Critic
(transcribed by jasbo)
A comliment! A museum!
Tensile congratulations on your conceptual development of obliterative existence!
Just wanted to say that this is AWESOME!!!!


Orcy Lou
I really love your sixth floor!
A note!
Amazing! what a great idea! it looks great in a weird but wonderful way! lol
I love your tower!
I'm so glad I stopped by!
Living in your Heart
As long as we remember, it can never be taken from us. When it is gone the space for it will remain. Boxy Sister c/o (this is the note I am leaving at my friends' home street. I have only played Glitch for a couple of months. Wish I had found it earlier. Such a loss for the virtual game community. Since you were "lurking on Live Help I am sure you know what I mean)
Love for the Signal Museum!
Fantastic collection, thoughtfully curated. Thank you for sharing these exhibits!
A note!
the first day you gave me some spinach and explained me how to play glitch. I always carry tons of spinach. I think I never thanked you so thanks haha