Payday's Snaps

Glown, moon.
Me and the chickens, we don't mind a storm coming in.
Once upon a time, the piggies of Ur were wild and dangerous and...
Explore, explore -- aha, secret messages! This is a lovely world.
I want ALL the helikitties!
I'll love you forever, Glitch.
Maybe if I stay hidden here, I can just go... wherever Ur goes.
Doesn't seem to matter how many of these green faces I gobble up...
We'll meet again / Don't know where (hopefully ALWAYS up a ladder).
Strong Female Character Payday jumps for... an attempt to be joyous!
It's the end of our wUrld as we know it.
Trying to talk to the moon.
Ice nubbins and beautiful, bittersweet snowy lands music, I...
Hi, gnome! What are you doing there?!
The cheeky hidden Hell splanker on their perch and Diane, famed...
Speaking of tree faces... Why did Glitch have to implement...
Someone's shot at my prize wheel!
KittenKat has the best named tower in Ur, hands down.
This butterfly lured me into the fairy ring and now I cannae move!
Bouncy, tiny, candy-high Glitchen!
Gigantor! (The trick was to not teach him to say anything.)
Not-at-all-awkwardly snoozing together, stood in the middle of my...
Whaddaya want, greedymouth?! Stop making baby bird faces at me!
I *may* have booby trapped that shrine...
Genuinely thrilled to find I kept on going up this tree after the...
If you look closely, it appears the stars of the Greedy Street...
Exciting hints of new terrain...
More sponge fingers in their natural habitat.
What's better than a midnight snack is a midnight treetop picnic...