Payday's Snaps

What do we call this? A 'streak' of piggies?
Glowy green fireflies inside a tree! I had to close my eyes...
Teasing me.
First impressions...
Home is where the botler is!
The eeyeeeeeees, the eyeeeeees!
I'm so teensy tiny in this big, blue world...
The views..!
Once upoon a tyme there werre 50,000 currant houses...
Cubimal queue! Siculus The Epithet's home street.
Pretty colours, musty smell! My kind of place.
Extremely moist and fertile apartment ruins.
Humble and untidy. It's home!
I am reminded of when I would watch the 'no broadcast' signal for...
Me and all my junk.
Ow, my eyes!
The garden behind the magic door.
Your synapses and you.
My first snapshot! Baby steps! Also, the only time one might see...
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