
87.5% of a nurse. Lovely MMO is for mental health! Multi-citizen, so I'm almost never from wherever I am at the moment.


Payday joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
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Hey Payday, did you happen to email me? If so I didnt get it. Can you try again?

1 reply

Status update

Agh, no, I was useless! Sorry - I have been in the middle of a last minute arrangement of moving from one side of the country to t'other. Will do ASAP! xx

2 replies

2 replies
  1. PopRocks

    Hrm. I don't see the email from you and there is nothing in my spam folder. wah. try this email address instead, please:

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Pretty sure you could be "Jennyanydots (Beth)"

1 reply

Status update

I think I put Danielle "Payday" McCarney.

0 replies
Status update

I still find myself trying to sell Glitch to my friends, attempting an explanation of why it was so wonderful and beautiful.

2 replies

2 replies
  1. PopRocks

    I have done that too. It has been over a month and I still can't stand being without it! This is like a really bad break up! *sobs into my pillow and writes bad break up poetry in my diary*

  2. Turqii

    me too... payday.. you were amazing... so.. returing the (true) sweet is miss payday? a million sweets, thats how!

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I made a pickle ornament - though it's no Senor Funpickle. There is a free pattern here if you sew, if not I would be glad to send you one because they are fun to make.

1 reply

Status update

Oh, adorable! Currently, not a sewer, just because I've not had a fixed address plus income for a while (was travelling, then a full-time student). I'd happily pay costs and postage if you were to craft one with your own fair hand!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. PopRocks

    No worries! I was making pickles last night so I can finish one and send it this weekend. email me your mailing address to - Maybe you can "fun pickle" him up?

    1 reply

Status update

I've never settled quite into an end-of-year holiday that felt like it fit me properly. For the rest of my life, this time of year will be Glitchmas and I will gather up all the yeti, sloth and pickle decorations I can possibly find for my Glitchmas cherry tree.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. PopRocks

    I made a pickle ornament - though it's no Senor Funpickle. There is a free pattern here if you sew, if not I would be glad to send you one because they are fun to make.

    1 reply


Hi there! Welcome to Glitch! Hope you're enjoying. :)
Purplest Instructions

The Purplest One
This game, these players, our Giants, Tiny Speck -- all totally priceless. Thank you for being here.
Not alone.
We'll all crouch together and hold hands until the dark comes. It will be okay. We'll all be together.
I wuz 'ere!
Oh hai, stoot!
'Thank you' doesn't seem like enough, and 'I love this game' seems weak in comparison to how I feel about it all. I spent years looking for something even half as perfect as Glitch. I was pretty sure it couldn't exist. When I did find it, I clung to it hard. It was so beautiful to have a home online once again. Thank you to you and all of Tiny Speck a million millions.
Yo dawg!
Nice hotdog!
I like leaving notes.
I am the most incompetent Tumblrererer in all the wUrld! I tried to reply and tell you I was only visiting Melbourne (truly, my favourite city in Australia), but I was not able to figure out how! Useless! I do hope we can stay in touch. :)