

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Born 1st of Recurse, year 17.


Status update
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Status update

Thank you to Stoot and the rest of the hard-working staff for making this happen. This game was unlike any other ever created.

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Status update

I just hope that TS may come up with something even remotely like this, with a group of awesome people like this one. And that it comes out before I'm legally allowed to play it. ;)

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Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added Alcie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

"All good things come to an end." I guess that applies to some of this situation. Thankfully, we'll still have part of it left.

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A note
Don't take this note, okay? If you take whatever is here, please leave something in return. The sad truth is that Glitch will be ending soon. :'( Let's be generous to each other while we still can. ~Alcie~
A note
The giants will sleep again.

A note for everyone
Remember, everyone, the people you met here. Remember the beautiful art. Remember the storylines, quests and home streets. But most of all, you should remember is that the 11 Giants will sleep again.
We are currently out of stock and will be closed for a while. Please come back later.

~Alcie and Snuggles the Fifth~

A note!
Yes, Mushrooms, you are absolutely correct.
A note for Stoot <3
Thank you, Stoot, for working on this game. Hard. So, so very hard. This game was more than I could've imagined or hoped for. No matter what, Glitch will live on in all of our hearts. This game was special, and was filled with so many wonderful people. Take care, and if you think that you won't ever succeed, remember all of the notes written here, by people you brought together. You're inside our thoughts. Best wishes, ~Alcie~