

Nigh-Mystical Lepidopteral Manipulator Ooguchi earned the Nigh-Mystical Lepidopteral Manipulator badge
a long time ago
Transcendental Radiation III Ooguchi finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago
Ooguchi's auction of 1x Focusing Orb, for 2500 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Ooguchi's auction of 1x Focusing Orb, for 2500 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Ooguchi's auction of 1x Focusing Orb, for 2500 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Ooguchi's auction of 1x Focusing Orb, for 2500 currants, has expired.
a long time ago