Brib Annie

This Faunasphere Refugee was Imagined 12PM, Standday, 4th of Doom, Year 13. Remember! Imagine! Believe!


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Well, I'll miss all you Glitchen. Maybe I'll see you in Naraka :(

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Brib Annie

Meet you in the Bar and we can share some Wine.

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Brib Annie

I will never really leave because I live here. I will remain even after my voice is stifled. Best Home I ever had and that is saying a lot because Faunasphere is still in my heart.

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  1. Marla

    I feel the same way Brib. In many ways this closing is almost harder than the game closing.

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sorry the one where someone asked a question about getting favor from shrines, and the whole thread is people repeating the answer, but in morse code, Klingon, pig Latin, etc

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Brib Annie

It was a Fun thread and very educational too!

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Brib Annie

I am getting dizzier. I am running back and forth between here, FB and Google. Don't want to miss anything!

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Brib Annie

Theremina and Lelu - You have both contributed such beauty to the Music. Will your voices be on Danny's CDs?

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You are all welcome on my street too! if you need anything let me know. I was bribling, WintrHoliday and MilliesMule.
Sorry I Lost You!
I lost the Server and had a hard time getting back in. I am so sorry this happened. It does not happen very often but there are some things being worked on today. I added you to my Buddy List so you can IM me when I am in the Game if you need help. You can also send me Mail for the Mail Quest.

Brib Annie
Official Greeter
Thanks for the Piggies...
For the Butterflys, even for the Chickens and the Rube! Thanks for the Beauty of the Art and Music, for the Quests and Achievements. Thanks for the Fellowship and Good times! Thanks for the Genius! Most of All, Thanks for giving this to Me! I love you Tiny Speck!
Portals to the Future
So many Portals to Destinations yet to be Determined. Choose you Future well and don't for get to Dream!
Wood Tree
Sorry, I didn't hav a gas bean so I planted a wood tree. if you don't like it, you can clear it later. One patch was empty so i left it that way.