
Imagined on: Twoday the 33rd of Remember, Year 17, 12:00 AM. 29, Montreal, french, married to my soulmate in real life (marmotte in Glitch)




Wow!! I never saw anything like this when I was in the world.


Reply to
Osiris ?

Awwwww no....bye elka. It was great being your friend. Maybe we'll meet again someday, somewhere

1 reply

Status update

Thanks Osiris, you too! I am on Instagram, Flickr and mostly all other platforms ;D

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Reply to
Kaja Rainbow

So. I'm not the most social person. I'll admit that. It's not uncommon for me to go entire days without even really talking with a single person. But I really loved this game. And I'll miss the fun people here, even if i never really got to know them that well. I can't say that I'll be particularly talkative even if I did get contact info for people, but... You're all cool. I hope you have good lives from now on.

1 reply

Status update

I was exactly the same way and I feel exactly the same way. Glad to hear I was not alone... It takes all kinds to make a world and I don't think we were "lesser" players because of that! *hugs* It was nice to meet you!

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Status update

I just downloaded all my snaps and saved all my avatars... I bid you adieu, all my friends... <3 Farewell be safe. Loved it.

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1 reply
  1. Osiris ?

    Awwwww no....bye elka. It was great being your friend. Maybe we'll meet again someday, somewhere

    1 reply

elka joined SL Glitcher
a long time ago

awwww my little bundle of joy dustbunny cuddling with the new meowing thing <33333