
(Luke Stout)

I work in a donut shop by day & am an amateur porn star by night. I enjoy feeding my dog, Rocko, & bowling. My dream is to be on reality TV.


Macs Macs added Lukastouticus as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Blitzen Aloha Blitzen Aloha added Lukastouticus as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Fiber Arts II Lukastouticus finished learning the Fiber Arts II skill
a long time ago
Fiber Arts I Lukastouticus finished learning the Fiber Arts I skill
a long time ago
Furnituremaking I Lukastouticus finished learning the Furnituremaking I skill
a long time ago
Fox Brushing Lukastouticus finished learning the Fox Brushing skill
a long time ago