
(Karen Teixeira)

I'm a 2D Game Artist, Illustrator and Toymaker. Love indie games, superheroes, sugar, tea, dance, musicals and cows.


bitmOO joined Memories Of The Giants....
a long time ago
!$Harrump$! !$Harrump$! added bitmOO as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Marky Thirteen Marky Thirteen added bitmOO as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
snygyst snygyst added bitmOO as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Reply to
Ann DramaDuh

I've watched two vid reviews of it. Very strange, but I like strange!

1 reply

Status update

It's a very cute kind of strange! :)

0 replies
Reply to
Little Poundcake

Started playing Botanicula last night. It's adorable and adorably weird with lovely art and great sound design.

21 replies

Status update

It just makes you happy and giddy while playing, doesn't it? I felt like a little kid so many times! Lovely game :)

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Ann DramaDuh

    I've watched two vid reviews of it. Very strange, but I like strange!

    1 reply


I will miss you, Glitch...
It was a pleasure sharing a lifetime within Giant's dreams with all of you. Thank you Glitchens, Thank you Tiny Speck. All of you, together, created something beautiful and unique. Thank you for such a lovely time. We will never forget it. Until we are back again in a dream. Love, @bitmOO
To players and developers - thanks :)
I will miss Glitch. I will never forget the lovely times and adorable friends I met here. Thank you Tiny Speck for creating something so beautiful and special! You guys gave me hope that it's possible to make meaningful and unique games in this industry. Even though the final outcome wasn't as we had imagined, all the love and dedication you put to build this amazing world were deeply appreciated and will never be forgotten by us. We all have learned many things and experienced so much through this game, and these are things we will carry on inside our hearts. Every Glitchen is a hero.

Thanks and all the best to all of you. It's been a pleasure to share one lifetime within Giant's dreams. :)
