

Now that this octopus and I have found each other, we are never letting go. <Fabday, 7th of Widdershins, Year 16>


Status update

Anyone playing on a Glitchen Minecraft server? I'd be interested in joining. :)

0 replies
Animal Kinship VII Mahkia finished learning the Animal Kinship VII skill
a long time ago
Status update

Wow. Just wow. I can't even believe it.

0 replies
Master Gardener Mahkia finished learning the Master Gardener skill
a long time ago
Tinkering IV Mahkia finished learning the Tinkering IV skill
a long time ago
Jynnan Tonnyx

This game is absolutely preposterous.


Thanks :)
Just wanted to thank you for providing these machines. You're a neighbor to a neighbor so it's convenient for me to use your machines until I get a room set up for my own. :D