Uniquely Prime


Status update
Uniquely Prime

Blessings to all the players and developers of Ur! Remember the good times! See you around, since I'm sure this is just the beginning of something better down the road! Hope everyone's holidays are lovely, and may your New Year be prosperous!

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Professional Bean Tree Fondler Uniquely Prime earned the Professional Bean Tree Fondler badge
a long time ago
Lee Holloway purchased Uniquely Prime's auction of 50x Chunk of Sparkly, for 1250 currants.
a long time ago
Lee Holloway purchased Uniquely Prime's auction of 50x Chunk of Sparkly, for 1250 currants.
a long time ago
bitchypoo purchased Uniquely Prime's auction of 50x Chunk of Sparkly, for 1250 currants.
a long time ago
bitchypoo purchased Uniquely Prime's auction of 50x Chunk of Sparkly, for 1250 currants.
a long time ago