

Working on world domination


Status update

The Glitch HQ app for iPhone still works :D

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Reisball

    Are you still learning skills? :D

    1 reply


The last 2 minutes in Ur


Sorry I wasn't there for the end of the world D:

Piety I BubbaWoop finished learning the Piety I skill
a long time ago
Member of Hi Society BubbaWoop earned the Member of Hi Society badge
a long time ago
Mining IV BubbaWoop finished learning the Mining IV skill
a long time ago


I have your precious pig
This is a kidnapping. Contact me if you want canadion bacon back.
My apologies.
It would appear that I have pignapped the wrong pig. It turns out I was looking for Alaskan Bacon, the relative cousin of your Canadian Bacon. How embarrising. Please take these bottles of hooch with my apologies.
It's dangerous to go alone
Take this
Sorry for breaking your rock! D:
Here's some meat as an apology