
(Rachel Donahue)

Imagined on Weddingday, 31st of Bruise, Year 15.


Status update

Goodnight, Glitch. Ur will forever remain in my Imagination, even if the Giants are sleeping.

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chilirlw chilirlw added Sheepy as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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URLs of note! (well, they will be when they're finished!) (1) Oral Histories: (2) Street Project Pic:

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Downloading all of the Test Notes threads from the forums. Meeeemorriiiieees!

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Patricia Patricia added Sheepy as a friend!
a long time ago
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Freggers seems the most promising of the games I've tried so far, but it's just.. lacking in fun.

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Wynella

    Yeah. It's more of a configurable chat. Though they do have some nice collect & gain money things. Collect bottles from bins or ants from cactus or something else I'm forgetting & turn them in for cash.

  2. Rap

    king of dragon pass you got worshipping and mythos and lore have u tried it

    1 reply

  3. kastlin

    Yeah, I'm not quite sure how long it can hold my attention. I'm hoping it gets to be more fun as you level up, but I guess we'll see. (PS Isn't this part of the problem stoot said Glitch was having? Too much "stuff" before you get to the Fun?) Part of what gets me to log into freggers is that it's background text is in German, so I get a little refresher.


Sheepy wuz hEre
Hi! Thanks for stopping by :)
Welcome to Glitch!
Hi there! I came when you used your Twig to call a greeter, but it looks like you were disconnected just as I arrived. Please feel free to find me in game or send me an IM if you have any questions or would like to have a proper greeting :)