

DandelionEyes joined
a long time ago
Domanii Domanii added DandelionEyes as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
khoahero007 khoahero007 added DandelionEyes as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Raking in the iMG DandelionEyes earned the Raking in the iMG badge
a long time ago
DandelionEyes reached level 29
a long time ago
Affable Anthony DandelionEyes earned the Affable Anthony badge
a long time ago


Please read first!
Hi - thanks for visiting! Biggy Shorty is next on the Herb route. Herb garden is to your left, past the cherry tree. Feel free to harvest or plant as you like, but please do try to plant as many seeds as you harvest. If it gets depleted, chip in what you can but don't fret - I'll be back soon and I like projects! Feel free to use the other resources as you like, and take/leave gifties for the other route-followers. Thanks! Dandelion Eyes