Little Miss Giggles

(Little Miss Giggles)


Wynella Wynella added Little Miss Giggles as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Lyrical DejaVu

Minimally those Betta cups need to be 3 times as big, i dont care if the fish can breath from the surface, which they can, and thats a big part of the excuse, they can breath so who cares? attitude. Even though they do start fights with pretty much any brightly colored fish its not an excuse, along with the breathability aspect to not let the m swim! and yes it tick me off as well....

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Little Miss Giggles

I can't even go to those sections of those stores. :( I'll end up buying them all to save them, and I really don't have the room for dozens of gallon + vases and tanks (my personal minimum per fish). I've had up to 14 before because I just can't walk away.

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You know what I really hate about Glitch closing? That damned Rube never offered me a doll!

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