
I was imagined on Moonday, 30th of Remember, Year 23. The world ended a few years later. I will never forget what has been imagined here. :(


Status update

Goodbye, Glitchen of Ur. Goodbye, my beloved piggies and helikitties. Goodbye, talking plants and rocks. Goodbye, everybody and everything. I had a wonderful time here. I will never forget it, even though this game was absolutely preposterous. Lots of LOBE to everyone - maybe we'll meet someday again. :)

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wickedsharp wickedsharp added Dragonflyz as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
snygyst snygyst added Dragonflyz as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Status update

Yes, I'm trying to develop a little recreation of Glitch, see here please: www.glitch.com/forum/announ...

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Happy birthday to your 3-year-old Glitchen :)

1 reply

Status update
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Status update

Yesterday, my Glitch turned three. I almost forgot it - I was too busy developing Miniglitch...

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Leïla

    Happy birthday to your 3-year-old Glitchen :)

    1 reply


My butler moved for some photo shooting to the right. He stands near the egg plant, so you should search him there if you want to leave a message or a package or want to do anything else only my butler can help you with.
To massyak
I don't get why you blocked me, hahaha... And even though you blocked me, you're still visiting my home street... *confused*
A note!
Dear stoot,

I wish you the best and hope all you dreams come true.
Hopefully, whatever you create next will have a better future than Glitch had and will become a huge success.

Thank you for creating Glitch. I will never forget the joy I had in this game. <3

I'll miss you all
I will always miss and never forget the beautiful world known as "Ur".
The gameplay, graphics, music, community, staff, ... all this is unique to Glitch.
Why do all great things always have to end so early? :(
Thank you all!
The past four months have been the best of my whole life, thanks to you, all the Glitchen and the developers. In this short time, I enjoyed this game as much as I could, and if I could do anything to save it, I would.
We all love Glitch and even after its shutdown, we will still keep many amazing memories of Ur in our hearts. I will never forget the kindness of strangers I found here. Thank you for that experience.
No matter what time it was, how I was feeling or what I was worrying about before - Glitch was always there and cheered me up. I will miss my beloved game. There won't be a game as great as Glitch ever again.
Thank you, Tiny Speck, for making the BEST game in history. <3
Goodbye. I hope to meet some of you again.
