
(Snow Kelleher)

Eccentric. Weird. Unusually fond of milking butterflies. It was good to make a lot of food.


Ancale Ancale added Masozi as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Minor Refiner, Shiny Class Masozi earned the Minor Refiner, Shiny Class badge
a long time ago
Minor Refiner, Blue Class Masozi earned the Minor Refiner, Blue Class badge
a long time ago
Minor Refiner, Green Class Masozi earned the Minor Refiner, Green Class badge
a long time ago
Fine Refiner, Red Class Masozi earned the Fine Refiner, Red Class badge
a long time ago
Minor Refiner, Red Class Masozi earned the Minor Refiner, Red Class badge
a long time ago


Dear Pot,
Just so you know?

I always loved you most.
my handwriting is atrocious. thankyew.
Welcome to Masozi Cooks A Lot!
We're still working out the kinks, but please enjoy your stay, tell your friends, and try our specialty the Obvious Panini!
Hey Hanjuna!
One of my best friends introuced me to this game a few months ago.

I had the most mind-blowing experience. And now I have read your note.

And I know how you feel, dude. I absolutely know how you feel.
I know you're listening!
I'll miss Ix the most!