Odder Pu

(Friendly System)

I was a Friendly System. Imagined on star date 20X6, Year of the Pygmy Marmoset.


Odder Pu joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
Odder Pu joined Memories Of The Giants....
a long time ago
blackstar233 blackstar233 added Odder Pu as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Princess Of Pink purchased Odder Pu's auction of 1x Bead of Ouzian Necklace, for 70000 currants.
a long time ago
Princess Of Pink purchased Odder Pu's auction of 1x Bead of Ouzian Necklace, for 70000 currants.
a long time ago
PomegranateSeed purchased Odder Pu's auction of 1x Bead of Ouzian Necklace, for 70000 currants.
a long time ago