


Nervous Belch Award Iensa earned the Nervous Belch Award badge
a long time ago
Noted Epicure Iensa earned the Noted Epicure badge
a long time ago
The Swarm Iensa earned the The Swarm badge
a long time ago
Pitti Sing Pitti Sing added Iensa as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
L'il Timmy InDaWell L'il Timmy InDaWell added Iensa as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A note!
Thanks to everyone who made this game great.
A note!
Goodbye, Glitch. I love you.
A note!
And with this street, I have explored everywhre in Brill. It's a strange feeling, that we've just found these places and we'll have to say goodbye.
A note!
Goodbye, Glitch.

You were beautiful and wonderful, and I'll miss you.
Goodbye, Glitch. It's been a crazy, wonderful ride. I will always love and miss you. Goodnight Groddle. Goodnight devs. Goodnight mods. Goodnight Glitchen. Goodbye.