

Glitch addict who was blessed to work on this amazing game with amazing people. Raging Monty Python fan.


Status update

To all of you, players, former coworkers...I loved Glitch and all of you. Thanks for making it so fantastic. To those who wonder: Rascalbaby (Zoe) is doing great; she'll be six months old soon. Great big emo bears to you all :)

1 reply

1 reply
  1. mira gaia maia

    great to have news from Zoe! i miss you! where the heck will we be oak-nuts like we where here? giant hugs to you and all the devs!

Rascalmom joined Keep in Touch Group
a long time ago
Rascalmom reached level 60
a long time ago
Rascalmom reached level 59
a long time ago
Rascalmom reached level 57
a long time ago