
(James Whyte)

I do math, math, math. Also chicken eggs for Humbaba.


sierra sierra added Humbabella as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update

Oh, also, I've resurrected mathemaglitch. I'm not sure why at this point. Maybe I'll find out.

0 replies
a long time ago
Humbabella joined Memories Of The Giants....
a long time ago
Humbabella joined Feathers of a Pillow
a long time ago
Status update

Well, it's my last chance to ask, so does anyone hang out anywhere? Other games? Chat channels? I miss you guys, and I could talk to you even if I can't nibble piggies at the same time.

5 replies

5 replies
  1. Ayasta

    There's groups on Facebook, chats on IRC and possibly Skype, Steam groups too. There's people in all sorts of places and games. I haven't joined any MMOs since Glitch closed, it may be a while before I do.

  2. Boobug?

    I am playing a game called deep world theres a bunch of of glitchen there

  3. Cleops

    There is a huge active Glitch community on FB. A lot of us on there play a non Zynga game called Here Be Monsters, a non violent (no fighting) quest and collecting achievements based game. They have just opened an in game mailing system and are about to intro a global chat as well.

    1 reply

  4. kastlin

    We have a lovely little Glitchen co-op on the UK server of "Big Farm" - - Mal'akh, Natsumi, Theremina, Hellyeah, me, and Dwit (don't remember if that's their Glitch name). You can raise chickens and piggies (and cows), and grow food for them (and to sell). And the co-op projects are kind of like feats, except the co-op decides when to press the "start" button. Also, if you play any iOS or Game Center games, you can find me as "Kastlin Wens." Wynella (not her iOS name) and I have been playing "Happy Street" there (along with other things).