Chihiro Jones

(Chihiro Jones)

Imagined 6th of Junuary, Year 25


Status update
Chihiro Jones

I had a dream that Glitch reopened and everyone was really happy. Oops. ;-;

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Status update
Chihiro Jones

The note I left at the end of Glitch is now forever recorded in the encyclopedia </3 My heart is broken all over again...

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Mining III Chihiro Jones finished learning the Mining III skill
a long time ago
Ormonos Completist Chihiro Jones earned the Ormonos Completist badge
a long time ago


A note!
I'm not afraid any more. The giants are waking up, and I will finally be free.
It is here that my journey began, and here that it will end. Farewell...
Free to a Good Home
I was blessed with two beautiful piglets-Tony and Talula- today. Unfortunately... I haven't the means to properly raise them. *sniff* All that grows on my homely homestead is...onions. The poor babies need something better than a tearful childhood at my place of residence. Whoever decides to take them...please...take good care of them. Included are the twins' stuffed bears, and some of our recent harvest to keep them going if they have to wait a while for someone to take them in...

Please give them a childhood where there is bountiful amounts of food (that aren't onions) and nice piggies to be friends with. Give me an update on their progress if you can.

*sniff*...Thank you,

Chihiro Jones