

will never forget this feeling of comfort



what a nice place. ah, glitch. you will be missed so very greatly.
u Au
a reminder to my glitchling friends,
remember that this place will not be totally gone forever! you can come back here to ur when you want. in fact, you can go anywhere, visit absolutely anyplace at anytime--

all it takes is a little imagination. c:
dear little ur,
goodnight ur, goodnight!!! may all the glitchen and animals, from piggies to heli kitties, butterflies to chicks, may all of the giants go to sleep in peace tonight and dream of all the new adventures they may possibly have--even after we ourselves our gone.

you will be so dearly missed, our lovely little world. u wu <3
( why hello there!! o: enjoy the presents!!! o uo )
you should always look behind the bushes o uo
Thank you,
for the lovely few weeks of wonderful fun, Glitch, although short they may have been. c:
oh glitch,
you will be so dearly missed. what a lovely little game, and i hardly got to experience it for more than a month! but what a month indeed--if only we could have you for a few more days! thank you for the lovely little memories i now have for the future. c: