

Your smile pulls me in. I like to hear your voice. ? Wear a hat or headband to be pretty. Can't help myself.


Status update

"Judkinonion glitch" is on face book killing time by playing Farmville 2 while waiting for Glitch to open again in another form. Farmville 2 is almost mindless. Glitch had people, nice interesting people. "JudkinOnion" is limited to glitches and not a real person. So *hi* rockets to you.

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JudkinOnion joined Glitches Anonymous
a long time ago
blackstar233 blackstar233 added JudkinOnion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


Inspiration has no price but great value.
It does not come from inside, but is found.
It can be held but not captured.
Like an ice cube it can melt away.

Wrong! Inspiration comes from within. There is a small child in me peeking around me, quietly observing, waiting, looking for something. Something to put together in an interesting way. Sometimes he sits back and admires how he has surprised himself. This is inspiration.

No, actually its my subconscious working. The boys in the basement sometimes send a message or an answer i needed.
WrOng again, you're talking about the trees and don't see the forest. It is the what happens to you that is inspiration. A song inspires you to do something. An admiring remark makes you stop and do more of that. Great music can inspire you to feel enhanced. Great pictures can inspire your harmony with the world. Great poetry can inspire a warm connection to another life.
It is the experience not the stimulus.

Or.... maybe not. Go figure.

I'm Ok with spoiled. :-D Here's a house warming present. Come visit my tower. You'll enjoy it.
I want you to visit my tower and street.
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

You can refer others you think will enjoy it.
If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestions note will be valued.
Farie's Ball
On a very certain April night, after the warm sun has coaxed a few more spring flowers out of their winter beds, the lake fairies gather from all the lake side to dance in the moonlight. They put away their work of weaving our dreams.
The fares will stop their everyday weaving of dreams for us. They will dress for the Ball of the Rising Moon. Golden gossamer dreams will dangle, halted at the spinning wheels. Vibrant spools of silken fancies will wait while the weaver shuttles rest. The unfinished dreams will hang from tenters and looms all of tonight. Earth people- slow moving and clumsy, compared to fairies, will have no dreams placed over their sleeping heads. The dream faries will dance to their own dreams tonight.
Gowns will glisten with stained-glass facets from Dragon fly wings. Some will have Polka dotted Lady Bug slippers and silver spiderweb vests. Star-glow sparks will fall onto the lake and sizzle and writhe and slowly dim away.
Zombie jamboree
Well, now,,,,,,,, Back to Back- Belly to Belly, well, I don't give a damn 'cause it doesn't matter really.
Back to Back-Belly to Belly at the zombie jamboree.(Repeat) .
One female zombie wouldn't behave. She say she want me for a slave. In the one hand she's holding a quart of wine, in the other she's pointing that she'll be mine.
Well, believe me folks, I had to run. (Why?) A husband of a zombie ain't no fun! I may be lyin' but you will see (What?) A husband of a zombie ain't no fun! (Don't knock it!)
I says, "Oh, no, my turtle dove, that old bag of bones I cannot love. Right then and there she raise her feet. "I'm a-going to catch you now, my sweet. I'm gonna make you call me 'Sweetie Pie'." I says "Oh, no, get back, you lie! " "I may be lyin' but you will see (What?) After you kiss this dead zombie." (Blah!
Well, I never seen such a horror in my life. Can you imagine me with a zombie wife? (NO!) Back to Back- Belly to Belly, I don't give a damn 'cause it doesn't matter really.
Do not go above the 3rd floor if you are in hurry to "See" things.
4,5 ,6 need your open attention to get value from them.
You may return when you have some time to visit. You can always leave when needed, but don't blow an opportunity like this.

An Invitation:

I want you to visit my tower.
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
Some are beautiful interior decorations
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestion note will be valued.

An invitation
An Invitation:

I want you to visit my tower.
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
Some are beautiful interior decorations
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestion note will be valued.
A note!
I wonder if you could rent the empty florrs ;D

An invitation
An Invitation:

I want you to visit my tower and street
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

You can refer others you think will enjoy it.
If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestions note will be valued.
YOur tower shows lots of effort and lots of design. Lovely to visit.
Mine is stories, notes and stuff.
Do not tease the Gnome
Do not tease the Gnome about his hands. There is a reason he holds them behind his back all the time. The butler (little nasty thing) bit the middle finger and with the cast on it, the Gnome continually makes an obscene guesture. He is embarrased by this and plots revenge on the butler. Just as soon as the butler gets close enough... snap. We'll need a better butler one of these days.
Invitation to my contacts
You are invited to visit my tower.
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it day to day.

If you visit, then the pleasure of
a suggestions note will be valued.

An invitation
An Invitation:

I want you to visit my tower.
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestions note will be valued.

An Invitation:

I want you to visit my tower and street
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

You can refer others you think will enjoy it.
If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestions note will be valued.
A tower warming gift
Whan you want to enjoy the view and relax a while.

An invitation
An Invitation:

I want you to visit my tower.
Some towers are a monument to acquisitions.
Some towers are devoted to commerce.
I think I want to create an intriguing experience.
I'm adding to it as inspiration dictates.

If you visit, then the pleasure of an
improvement suggestions note will be valued.