Liz Pink



Drifa Completist Liz Pink earned the Drifa Completist badge
a long time ago
Fancy Medal Fancier Liz Pink earned the Fancy Medal Fancier badge
a long time ago
Master Lepidopteral Manipulator Liz Pink earned the Master Lepidopteral Manipulator badge
a long time ago
Furnituremaking II Liz Pink finished learning the Furnituremaking II skill
a long time ago
Tinkering V Liz Pink finished learning the Tinkering V skill
a long time ago


i don't ever want to forget this game
what it tried to be and what it was and what it did
it was beautiful
and I always want to remember it, and I will always try to
I love it here
I love it so much
beans beans the more you eat
the more fucking notes I make you read
You don't have to believe me that you're a sexy lady,
but you'd damn well better believe that you're rad
and totally worthy of respect and such.

thank u shawn spencer
never ever ever ever never never ever