

Born on Theday 8th of Junuary, year 18


Status update

Happy New Year to all the lost Glitchen still searching for new homes, I miss you all, we will never forget xxx

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Status update

Merry Glitchmas folks! Missing Glitch like crazy, currently trying to fill the void at Here Be Monsters (using the same name) hopefully see some of you there. Have already seen Araldia and foolbunny x

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Status update

And now it's starting to seem real - was very much in denial... The auction link has gone & the Friends Online section too - it really is over *sobs*

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Status update

Farewell Glitchen, farewell Ur, so sad to think this whole world will not be here when I wake up in a few hours - so glad to have had more than a year playing though xxx. Sad to be missing the final hours, but would be hard to explain in work if I arrived having slept for two hours!

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Farewell xx
Wow. Would never have thought i would feel genuine affection for a computer game. Yet here I am typing a farewell note to a game with a massive lump in my throat and real tears in my eyes.
Sometimes it's only when something comes to an end that you realise how much you loved it.
I've spent hours in this world, have adored the artwork, the game mechanics and the little details that havae made us all smile.
We will all move on, finding other things to fill our time - but Glitch will always have a place in my heart x
Thank you so much Tiny Speck and fellow Glitchen - i will miss you x