
Glitchin' it!


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Marley Cuddles

I can't leave my bed. These blankets have accepted me as one of their own and if I leave now, I'll lose their trust.

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Status update

Awwwww..I love being cuddles up in blankees. :)

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Status update

I feel so empty without Glitch. I find myself so bored online anymore. I was spoiled with this game; it was my comfort zone that kept my mind off other things. I just can't seem to get over this game yet.

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  1. Selle

    i feel to so empty without my little glitch :(

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Status update

Damn I need to quit coming here....I just want to "enter world" again. This is such a teast still seeing this screen. :(

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  1. SellySalad

    ikr. Its very annoying and yet..sad =\

Status update

How I wish to play! This still sucks a lot for me. I was always playing this every single night. I miss everyone a lot.

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I will miss Glitch dearly...
I am so distraught at the thought of this wonderful game ending. I sure hope it can somehow be resurrected one day....