

Hey I'm Mel, and I like to make comics. That's pretty cool I guess.


TheEmptyPot's auction of 60x Meat, for 390 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
TheEmptyPot's auction of 3x Ticket to Mountain Scaling, for 6 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
coolbettycakes coolbettycakes added TheEmptyPot as a friend!
a long time ago
Cocktail Crafting I TheEmptyPot finished learning the Cocktail Crafting I skill
a long time ago
Pretty Good Samaritan TheEmptyPot earned the Pretty Good Samaritan badge
a long time ago


I have no words to say
I have no words to say that could even begin to describe my sadness. Here's hoping that you, my fellow Glitchen, will.