Gingerbread Man


Gingerbread Man

Just a couple of eggs chatting it up

Gingerbread Man

Just remembering the good old days with the eggs. :(


Mining IV Gingerbread Man finished learning the Mining IV skill
a long time ago
Gingerbread Man joined Glitches Anonymous
a long time ago


For Pinkie
The 12 urth for 600 bubbles if fine by me. Next time we are both on I will IM you. I have added you to my contacts os we can get in touch.
If you want anything else to bring the number of urth blocks up just tell me.
Gingerbread Man
A note!
Hi Winnah Since you might miss glitch I decided to give you some to keep. :D
A note!
Hi Winnah this is my cubi pyramid i'm not sure if it will still be here when you read this but we'll have to find out. :D